Global Mail Templates

Global Mail Templates

Instructions for using Subjects & Templates below

Respective mails has to be enabled for that routine to execute.

Auto routine runs every 3 hours / 4 times a day, and handles all students whose expiry date falls in the time period. Once marked sent for a student, mail is not sent again for that student for that time period.

Available variables that can be used in the subject or mail body templates:

##user_login## >> User Login ID
##first_name## >> User First Name
##last_name## >> User Last Name
##nickname## >> User Nickname
##display_name## >> User Display Name
##user_email## >> User Email
##_expire_user_date## >> User Expiry Date in default format, check WP-Admin > Settings > General for format.

Make sure to use clear text format while adding the variables, so that there is no space between the symbols and characters.