Indiaheritage is committed to encourage students in creating awareness and love for history and heritage.
We run the “Indiaheritage Awards Scheme” for students to explore more about their cities, country and legacy.
The Awards Scheme is an intensive six week course which includes lessons on the history of your city by leading academics and experts, heritage walks to historically significant monuments (some of which you never knew existed!) and your own individual project work : researching, discovering, experiencing, photographing and blogging about a select monument or area in your city.
We will publish your blog on this website along with your profile and provide you a Certificate of Recognition for successful project completion and helping the cause of heritage awareness.
As a student you will benefit from :
The course is currently open for students in Kolkata, and we are adding more cities very shortly.
To know more, contact us
Cost : The cost of the program is Rs 9,000/-
Duration : The Indiaheritage Awards Scheme is designed as a 6-week program. However, as much of the work is self-paced and independent, the timing is flexible and dependent on the student’s pace
Student batches : In order to ensure quality and real learning, we will keep each student cohort to 5 students (minimum) and about 10 students (maximum)
Timing : The program starts from July 2023 onwards